Candide Blog Post#1

1. Experimental Physics
2. Cunegonde
3. Candide
4. Thunder-ten-tronckh
5. metaphysico-theologo-cosmolonigology

Experimental Physics – The actual denotation of the phrase ‘experimental physics’ is far different from that of what the book Candide was trying demonstrate to the readers. What Cundegone meant when she said ‘experimental physics’ was actually a “lesson on sexual intercourse” between Dr. Pangloss and her mother’s chambermaid.

Cunegonde – The meaning of the name Cunegonde is “Brave War”. Cunegonde may be hard-headed with a strong personality that will do whatever it takes to persuade others into following her desires.

Candide – The meaning of Candide is “Bright, Glowing White”. It may be shown throughout the book that Candide has a pure heart which is easy to manipulate. He may have the type of personality where he is very gullible.

Thunder-ten-tronckh – The meaning of Thunder-ten-tronckh is “thunder around the truck”. The reason as to why Voltaire chose this name was probably because the Baron is the head of the family.

Metaphysico-theologo-cosmolonigology – The meaning of Metaphysico-theologo-cosmolonigology is “the science of cause and effect”. This was the science taught by Dr. Pangloss in the book Candide.


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